Dragon Age Origins Change Appearance

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I was hoping there would be a way to change the complexion of my character because I forgot to do that and she is very pasty looking too bad I am already a few hours in or I would just start over again. I know there is a site for DA mods but I was hoping there is a way I could just tweak a file. Change your old hero appearance with any of the myriad hairstyles, colours and appearance mods without restarting the game nor rewriting common game resources Mod manager download Manual Download. Dragon Age: Origins – Message Board. They should be a mod that gets them to crack a smile once in a while. In Mass Effect, everyone I made, ever, looked so horrible confused about everything. Well, except for Dex. But he was an exceedingly angry Japanese man. In Mass Effect, Richard L. Jenkins dies on Eden Prime.

Do you want adjust your appearance after game start? Yes. Is possible with some limits and is not so hard. But the risk is all yours. Im not responsible for any kind of damage.

Im chinese. English isnt my native language but i will do my best to explain how to do it.

Prologue: To me the character creation is one of most important part of any rpg game. Is wonderfull imagine a background, create and polish the character face. This brings immersion, identity and sweet memories.

Dragon Age is one of best games since 1990. Sadly even with all tech invested in character creation misteriously the in-game face is diferent, sometimes very different, from the creation room. Never saw this happen in other games... and the ambient light isnt the guilty...

Point: I dont know why, but sometimes the saved game files in my documents isnt allways encrypted. From time by time some saved file show your face data and you can edit it with a hexeditor. Maybe it happens when the game crashes for some reason. I dont know.


  1. Open each saved game file one by one in any text editor and check at end of file if you see the face data. Just scroll all way down to the end. This part of data is a xml and will see some keys like: <slider type='style' usage='Hair' index='15'> or <slider type='vec4' usage='Lip Color Intensity'shaderParam='MakeupLevels_EyeSh_Eye_Bls_Lp' affectedComponent='3'max='1.0' step='0.1' w='0.1'/>

If you dont find any saved file uncrypted keep playing and check all again other day or maybe force a crash.

Dragon Age Origins Change Armor Appearance

2) Close the file. Backup all files to other folder.

3) Open your prefered hexeditor.

4) Load the uncrypted file at hexeditor.

5) Scroll down to face section and USE YOUR BRAIN before do any change. Dont do any drastic stupid changes like change the race. This will affect the in-game flux and can lock you up at future and have to start all again.

6) Just adjust the values BUT dont add or remove any byte. Just change the bytes. For example: <slider type='style' usage='Hair' index='15'> You can change the index from 10 to max hair index (count it at face creation room) BUT isnt cool change it to 1,2,3,... cuz you will reduce 1 byte. Got it? Do your tests. I just adjusted my face and never touched anything else.

7) Save your changes. Find a utility to edit the time and date of file creation and set to the same of others. This way Origin dont will complain about out of sync stuff.

8) If Origin complain about out of sync choose to use the local files and not the web files.

9) Run the game and load your edited file. Autosave, quicksave,normalsave,timesave,chaptersave... check what is the right one.

10) Enjoy what is your right! Because you paid it! Enjoy... while they dont patch it.

Dragon Age Origins Change Appearance System

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