How To Say Gewehr

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  2. How To Say Gewehr 43
  3. How To Say Gewehr

The word 'Mauser' can refer either to the German weapons manufacturer, the Mauser-Werke Oberndorf Waffensysteme GmbH, or to the series of bolt-action rifles the Mauser-Werke manufacturered for the German armed forces. Mauser exported their design to several nations, so identification of the nationality of a Mauser rifle is important for collectors. Mauser also manufactured a series of pistols and semi-automatic rifles which are much easier to identify than the ubiquitous m-93 and m-98 series rifles.

Gew 88, Gew 91 & Kar 88 - Mannlicher Packet Loaded The figures for the Gew 88 were lumped in together with the Gew 91 and Kar 88, so it isn't possible to break out the exact number of Gew 88s, but they made up the vast majority of the numbers listed below.

Weapon Identification

  1. Examine the rifle for an import stamp located along the barrel; this stamp should state the weapon's caliber, model and country of origin. Many imported rifles are stamped according to federal regulations and that stamp will settle your identification process quickly.

  2. Examine the rifle for any other identifying markings on the receiver and on the stock; the original armorer may have stamped the rifle with markings identifying the factory of manufacture. These markings are often used to identify surplus rifles.

  3. Match the cartridge the rifle fires with a likely country of origin and model. Mauser-pattern bolt-actions were manufactured in countries including Germany, Turkey, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Sweden, Belgium, Argentina and Chile, so the round the rifle fires can help you identify the rifle's origins and model, like the 1891 Argentine, 1909 Argentine, Spanish 1893, Chilean 1895 and the Swedish 1896. Mausers fire 7.65x53mm Argentine/Belgian, the 7x57mm Spanish/Chilean, the 6.5x55mm Swedish and the 7.92x57mm German.

  4. Determine whether your rifle is a Gewehr 98k or Karabiner 98k if your rifle fires 7.92x57mm, as these rifles fired 8 mm Mauser. These rifles were the famed standard-issue rifles of the German army through the first and second World Wars; should the rifle have a two- or three-alphanumeric code on the top of the receiver, the rifle is most likely a Gewehr 98k or Karabiner 98k. These numbers are the ordinance codes of German manufacturers.

Items you will need

  • Mauser rifle


How Do You Pronounce Gewehr

  • If the rifle is not of German manufacture, but clearly uses the Mauser action, use a combination of rifle caliber and receiver markings to determine the country of origin. You may need to use a Mauser rifle identification guide, as the number of Mauser rifle variants is too great to list here.


How To Say Gewehr 43

Photo Credits

  • Hemera Technologies/ Images

Are you over-scheduled and over-stressed? With today’s busy schedules, you’re not alone. One important way to pare down your schedule is to get good at saying no to new commitments. So why can the simple act of not taking on more than you can handle be so hard?

Maybe you've had people be upset with you when you've said no. Maybe you feel guilty because you really want to help others. Maybe you feel guilty because you really want to help others, but you say yes so much to them that you're on the verge of burnout—and this will make you less healthy and less helpful.

Whether you say 'yes' instead of no out of guilt, inner conflict, or a misguided notion that you can 'do it all,' learning to say no to more requests can be one of the biggest favors you can do yourself and those you love. There's absolutely nothing wrong with saying no when you need to (and simply not having the energy to do everything you're asked, or wanting to prioritize self-care counts as an instance when you need to say no), it helps reduce stress levels and gives you time for what’s really important. Here's how to say no with less stress and guilt—it really can be this simple.

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Just Say “I’m Sorry—I Can't Do This Right Now'

That's right, sometimes it helps to stall until you have a chance to fully look at how saying 'yes' to this new commitment may affect your life and the lives of those who already depend on you. Use a sympathetic, but firm tone. If pressured as to why, reply that it doesn’t fit into your schedule, and change the subject. Most reasonable people will accept this as an answer, so if someone keeps pressuring you, they’re being rude.

It’s OK to just repeat, “I’m sorry, but this just doesn’t fit with my schedule,' and change the subject, or even walk away if you have to.

Give Yourself Time

If you’re uncomfortable being so firm or are dealing with pushy people, it’s OK to say, “Let me think about it and get back to you.” This gives you a chance to review your schedule, as well as your feelings about saying 'yes' to another commitment, do a cost-benefit analysis, and then get back to them with a yes or no. Most importantly, this tactic helps you avoid letting yourself be pressured into overscheduling your life and taking on too much stress.

How To Say Gewehr

Say Yes to Something Else

If you would really like to do what they’re requesting, but don’t have the time (or are having trouble accepting that you don’t), it’s fine to say, “I can’t do this, but I can…” and mention a lesser commitment that you can make. This way you’ll still be partially involved, but it will be on your own terms.

When Saying 'No'

Be firm—not defensive or overly apologetic—and polite. This gives the signal that you are sympathetic, but will not easily change your mind if pressured.

Be clear. If you decide to tell the person you’ll get back to them, be matter-of-fact and not too promising. If you lead people to believe you’ll likely say 'yes' later, they’ll be more disappointed with a later 'no.'

No excuses necessary. If asked for an explanation, remember that you really don’t owe anyone one. “It doesn’t fit with my schedule,” is perfectly acceptable.

A Word From Verywell

Remember that there are only so many hours in the day. This means that whatever you choose to take on limits your ability to do other things. So even if you somehow can fit a new commitment into your schedule, if it’s not more important than what you would have to give up to do it (including time for relaxation and self-care), you really don’t have the time in your schedule.

Discover and research strategies for finding time if you're too busy. It's also important to learn to set boundaries in general.