Install Apl To Geny Motion

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GenyMotion is the one of the best android emulator for install/run android games and apps on PC, there are millions of apps and games available on Google play store, the sounds are good right, Running Android operating system on your computer without mobile phone.

  1. Tutorial to install any application (.apk) in our Android AWS EC2 instances. One command line and you're good to go!
  2. GenyMotion is the one of the best android emulator for install/run android games and apps on PC, there are millions of apps and games available on Google play store, the sounds are good right, Running Android operating system on your computer without mobile phone.

I'm getting started with Android development and with Genymotion. It's difficult to get Genymotion to install a .apk and run it more than once. Here's what I'm doing:

  1. Begin with Genymotion running.
  2. Press Genymotion icon in Elipse.
  3. See Genymotion Virtual Devices Manager. Note that State of my VM is on
  4. Create a new Android Project
  5. Press the green Run button
  6. See Run As dialog. Select Android Application
  7. See Android Device Chooser. Select Genymotion_nexus_one
  8. See hello world app run. Press GM home button

From here if I change the app, it's difficult to get the app to re-display in the emulator:

  1. Drag a button to activity_main.xml. Save.
  2. Press the green Run button
  3. Nothing happens

To get the app to re-display requires jiggle the Handle type actions:

  1. If I Clear the console log or bring up the GM Virtual Devices manager, before I press the Run button, the app will generally display in Genymotion.

Any ideas how to make Genymotion behave without Jiggling the handle?

I'm running the latest SDK: 20131030 on OSX 10.7.5

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4 Answers

Drag drop apk on Genemotion emulator ,it will automatically installs and creates a shortcut.enjoy.

Mohammad RazzaghiMohammad Razzaghi


Since installing the adt-bundle-mac-x86_64-20131030, I'd never right-clicked the Run button to display the drop-down menu there. Having done that once, pressing the Run button now brings up Android Device Chooser every time (as it should).

When I first ran into this problem, I reinstalled adt-bundle-mac-x86_64-20131030 and Genymotion. I saw no change in behavior. This appears to be a minor bug in this version of adt-bundle-mac-x86_64-20131030

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In Android Studio, if you run your project (shift+F10) when Genymotion virtual device is running; you'll see the device in connected devices list in Select Deployment Target window.

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Install Apl To Geny Motion System

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Skip to end of metadataGo to start of metadata
  • Compatibility and download
  • Installation
  • Configuring Genymotion
  • Using Genymotion
  • Troubleshooting


Genymotion Desktop provides a library of Android virtual machines that run in Oracle's VirtualBox. It is an alternative to the Android SDK's emulators. Genymotion is faster than the Android SDK's ARM-based emulators and more reliable than x86 emulators that use Intel's HAXM technology.

Genymotion is free for personal use, however you can purchase a license for commercial use.

Compatibility and download

Genymotion support is available for Titanium CLI 3.3.0 and later, Titanium SDK 3.3.0 and later, and Studio 3.3.0 and later.

If your app uses any Titanium Modules, they must be compiled for x86 architectures in order for your app to run on Genymotion.

Google's APIs such as Maps and Play Services are not distributed separately , so Genymotion virtual machine images do not include them out-of-the-box. The Google APIs can be found online and once downloaded, can be installed into your Genymotion virtual machine by dragging and dropping the file in the running virtual machine window.

You will need to register for a Genymotion Cloud account. For an updated list of requirements, see Genymotion User Guide: Requirements.

Oracle VirtualBox

Genymotion requires Oracle VirtualBox. If you do not have VirtualBox installed, you can either download a Genymotion installers that includes VirtualBox (recommended) or manually install it.

To manually install VirtualBox, see the following:

  • For Mac OS X, go to Download VirtualBox and get the Mac OS X .dmg file. Open the .dmg file and follow the installation steps. When finished, reboot.
  • For Windows, Genymotion provides two installers: a ready-to-run installer that provides VirtualBox and a standard installer that does not. Genymotion recommends using the ready-to-run installer. If you want to manually install VirtualBox, go to Download VirtualBoxand get the Windows .exe file. Open the .exe file and follow the installation steps. When finished, reboot.

If you have Intel Hardware Accelerated Execution Manager (HAXM) for Android installed, you may not be able to run VirtualBox. Previously, there have been conflicts with HAXM and VirtualBox.

Genymotion Cloud account

In order to download Genymotion and Genymotion virtual devices, you will need a Genymotion Cloud account. To sign up for an account, visit You will need to verify your e-mail address before downloading files.

Download the appropriate Genymotion installer from You will need to be logged into your Genymotion Cloud account to download.


Mac OS X

  1. Download the Mac OS X installer (DMG file) from Genymotion.
  2. Open the installer to launch it.
  3. Drag the and Genymotion icons to the Applications folder.
  4. Launch from the Applications folder.
  5. The Genymotion application starts. A dialog prompts you to 'Add a first virtual device'. Click Yes.
  6. In order to add a virtual device, you need to connect to the Genymotion Cloud service. Click Connect.
  7. You are prompted to enter your Genymotion Cloud account credentials. Input your credentials, then click Connect.
  8. After your account has been verified, select a device and click Next.
  9. Optional: change the name of the device. Click Next.
  10. Click Finish after the download completes or click Add to download more virtual devices.


  1. Download the Windows installer (EXE file) from Genymotion.
  2. Double-click the installer to launch it.
  3. Choose a language and click OK.
  4. Click Next to accept the defaults, then click Install to start the installation process.
  5. After Genymotion installs and if you chose to use the ready-to-run Genymotion installer, the VirtualBox installer starts.
  6. Click Next to accepts the defaults, then click Install to start the installation process.
  7. After the VirtualBox installer completes, uncheck to start VirtualBox, then click Finish.
  8. The VirtualBox installer disappears and returns to the Genymotion installer. Leave the Launch Genymotion option checked, then click Finish.
  9. The Genymotion application starts. A dialog prompts you to 'Add a first virtual device'. Click Yes.
  10. In order to add a virtual device, you need to connect to the Genymotion Cloud service. Click Connect.
  11. You are prompted to enter your Genymotion Cloud account credentials. Input your credentials, then click Connect.
  12. After your account has been verified, select a device and click Next.
  13. Optionally change the name of the device. Click Next.
  14. Click Finish after the download completes or click Add to download more virtual devices.

Configuring Genymotion

Titanium CLI

To enable support for Genymotion with the Titanium toolchain, you need to configure the Titanium CLI. If you have not modified the default installation of VirtualBox and Genymotion, you only need to set the genymotion.enabled value to true with the appc ti config command. If you are using Studio, restart Studio after updating the CLI configuration.

The table below describes the default locations. If you have a custom installation of either VirtualBox or Genymotion, you need to set the below CLI options in order to use it with the Titanium toolchain.

CLI OptionDescriptionDefaults by OS
genymotion.homePath to Genymotion virtual devices
  • Mac OS X: /Users/<user>/.Genymobile/Genymotion/deployed/
  • Windows: C:Users<user>AppDataLocalGenymobileGenymotiondeployed
genymotion.pathPath to Genymotion
  • Mac OS X: /Applications/
  • Windows: C:Program FilesGenymobileGenymotion
genymotion.executables.genymotionPath to Genymotion genymotion executable
  • Mac OS X: /Applications/
  • Windows: C:Program FilesGenymobileGenymotiongenymotion.exe
genymotion.executables.playerPath to Genymotion player executable
  • Mac OS X: /Applications/
    • Before 2.6.0: /Applications/
  • Windows: C:Program FilesGenymobileGenymotionplayer.exe
genymotion.executables.vboxmanagePath to VirtualBox vboxmange executable
  • Mac OS X: /usr/bin/vboxmanage
  • Windows: C:Program FilesOracleVirtualBoxVboxManage.exe


Studio uses the configuration settings from the Titanium CLI to support Genymotion. In case the Titanium CLI is unable to detect the settings, you may override these settings in the Preferences dialog.

  1. Open Preferences:
    1. For Mac OS X systems, from the menu, select Appcelerator Studio > Preferences.
    2. For Windows systems, from the menu, select Windows > Preferences.
  2. In Preferences, navigate to Studio >Platforms > Android.
  3. In the Genymotion section, update the paths to the executables as needed.

Using Genymotion

Launch a Genymotion virtual device from the CLI

To launch an Android application on a Genymotion virtual device, run the following CLI command:

Where <GENYMOTION_AVD_NAME> is the name given to the Genymotion virtual device when you downloaded it. To get a complete list of Android virtual devices, run the appc ti info -t android command. The Genymotion devices are listed at the end right before any warning messages.

Launch a Genymotion virtual device from Studio

Genymotion virtual devices are listed under the same drop-down menu as your Android virtual devices. Follow the same procedure to launch a Genymotion emulator as you would an Android emulator.

For example, to launch a project in run mode:

  1. Select the project in the Project Explorer view.
  2. In the global tool bar, select Run from the Launch Mode drop-down list.
  3. From the Target drop-down list, select Android Emulator then choose a Genymotion virtual device.
  4. Click the Launch button to start the build process if the Launch Automatically option is not enabled under the Target drop-down list.

In the screen shot below, there are three virtual devices to choose: a user-created Android virtual device, a Genymotion virtual device and an Android virtual device created by the Titanium SDK.


I cannot see a list of virtual devices under the Target drop-down list

  1. In the tiapp.xml file of the application you want to run, check to make sure the Titanium SDK is version 3.2.0 or greater.
  2. Double-check your Studio configuration settings in Preferences.
    1. For Mac OS X systems, from the menu, select Appcelerator Studio > Preferences.
    2. For Windows systems, from the menu, select Windows >Preferences.
    3. Navigate to Studio > Platforms > Android.
  3. Restart adb, then restart Studio. To restart adb, from a terminal, run:

Failed to start daemon

When building an application, if the following error(s) is reported:


This indicates the ADB version shipped with Genymotion is out of date with the Android platform tools. To fix this issue, manually set the ADB tool to use in the Genymotion settings:

  1. Launch Genymotion.
  2. Click Settings to open the Settings dialog.
  3. Click the ADB tab.
  4. Select Use custom Android SDK tools.
  5. In the Android SDK textbox, enter the path to your Android SDK or click the Browse button to navigate to it.
  6. Click OK.

Rebuild the application.

Note that if you restart your computer, this setting may not persist in Genymotion and you will need to set the Android SDK path again.

Further reading