Witcher 3 Razor Focus

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The current adrenaline level is shown in the left upper corner of the screen
  1. Witcher 3 Razor Focus For Sale
  2. Witcher 3 Razor Focus For Sale
  3. Witcher 3 Best Skills

May 19, 2015 - Razor Focus. Rating: 3/5; Explanation: This skill greatly increases your ability to gain Adrenaline Points and begin dealing increased damage. Skill Calculator and Build Planner for The Witcher 3 by RPG-Gaming. 'The Witcher 3' along with all related logos.

Adrenaline is one of more important factors related to combat. It has influence on Geralt's effectiveness when dealing with enemies. Adrenaline points are accumulated by performing attacks, especially when it is done constantly. If you stop fighting for some time, the adrenaline will start dropping. Adrenaline bar is visible on the screen under the stamina bar. It allows you to see how much adrenaline points you have accumulated.

Important! You can increase the speed of gathering adrenaline points by unlocking skills from the Combat category. Each new skill increases adrenaline gathering speed by from one to five percent.

Adrenaline on its own doesn't change anything. But it can cooperate with many skills, modifying them or increasing their effectiveness. Most important relations with adrenaline have:

  • Undying skill from the Combat category - Thanks to this skill when you lose all health points you don't die immediately, adrenaline points can be used to keep Geralt alive.
  • Rend skill from the Combat category - Adrenaline points can increase the amount of damage dealt even by 100%.
  • Deadly Precision skill from the Combat category - Adrenaline points increase the percentage chance of instantly killing the opponent.
  • Flood of Anger skill from the Combat category - Having enough adrenaline points allows you to activate the witcher sign on the highest level possible and increase the attack strength.
  • Hunter Instincts skill from the Alchemy category - Having the maximum amount of adrenaline points will increase the damage of critical hits. However, it will work only if an oil effective against a specific monster type has been used.
  • Rage management skill from the Abilities category - It allows you to activate witcher signs even if you don't have enough stamina. Adrenaline points will be consumed instead of the lacking stamina.
  • Focus skill from the Abilities category - One of more interesting skills. Thanks to adrenaline points Geralt can deal more damage and the strength of his signs increase.
RazorAbilities in The Witcher 3 are gained and upgraded after you’ve gathered a certain amount of experience. There are four talent trees to choose from – combat, signs, alchemy and general.When choosing which skills to invest in, keep in mind that you won’t be able to max them all out. You will have to pick those that complement your play style.
Mutagens are special items that allow further specialization by scaling with abilities. In this guide, we’re going to show you all the Witcher 3 skills you can choose, their effects and mutagens that go well with them.
Just upgrading them won’t be enough – if you want them to take effect, you’ll need to place them into ability slots. You’ll start out with only a few slots available, but you’ll unlock more as you progress through the game. While progressing through the game you’ll unlock 12 slots and the last one will be opened up when you reach level 50. You can switch the active skills at will, depending on the problems you’re facing – if you’re fighting an enemy with a weakness to fire, you can replace the Arrow Deflection with a skill that improves Igni intensity.
You gain one skill point each time you level up. Additionally, visiting a Place of Power can grant you a “free” point. These places are scattered across the world, hidden from view and hard to get to. If you’re not happy with your chosen abilities, you can supposedly buy a respec potion that will allow you to redistribute your skill points.

Combat Skills (red)

The first group of skills is dedicated to combat – they improve your swordsmanship, allow you to use crossbows more effectively and govern your adrenaline gains. There are five talent trees in this category: Fast Attack, Strong Attack, Defense, MarksmanshipFocus and Battle Trance. Investing 8 points into it unlocks the second tier, 20 unlocks the third and 30 unlocks the fourth.
Muscle Memory
Fast Attack
Level 1: Fast attack damage +5%, adrenaline point gain +1%.
Level 2: Fast attack damage +10%, adrenaline point gain +2%.
Level 3: Fast attack damage +15%, adrenaline point gain +3%.
Crippling Strikes
Fast Attack
Level 1: Inflicts bleeding. Enemies lose 25 Vitality per second for 5 seconds, adrenaline point gain: +1%.
Strength Training
Strong Attack
Level 1: Strong attack damage +5%, adrenaline point gain +1%.
Arrow Deflection
Level 1: Deflect arrows while parrying, adrenaline point gain +1%.
Level 2: Perfectly timed parries reflect arrows back at the enemies, adrenaline point gain +2%.
Level 3: Perfectly timed parries reflect arrows, deal double damage, adrenaline point gain +3%.
Lightning Reflexes
Level 1: Slows time by another 15% while aiming the crossbow, adrenaline point gain +1%.
Battle Trance
Level 1: Adrenaline point loss after taking damage -20%, adrenaline point gain +1%.
Flood Of Anger
Battle Trance
Level 1: When casting a Sign, 3 adrenaline points will be consumed to upgrade the Sign to the highest level (unlocking all bonuses) with intensity +25%, adrenaline point gain: +1%.

Sign Abilities (blue)

The second group of skills are magic-related skills, or Signs– they help you use signs more efficiently by enhancing their intensity, range or area of effect. There are five abilities in this talent tree, each tied to one of the signs: Aard, Igni, Axii, Witcher 3 razor focus reviewYrden and

Witcher 3 Razor Focus For Sale

Quen. After putting 8 ability points into this group you’ll unlock the second tier, after 18 you’ll get access to the third, and once you spend 28 you’ll unlock the fourth.

Witcher 3 Razor Focus For Sale

Far-Reaching Aard
Aard Sign
Level 1: Aard range +1, stamina regeneration in combat +0.5.
Level 3: Aard range +3, stamina regeneration in combat +1.5
Aard Intensity
Aard Sign
Level 1: Aard intensity +5%, stamina regeneration in combat +0.5.
Aard Sign
Level 1: Damage +40, stamina regeneration in combat +0.5.
Exploding Shield
Quen Sign
Level 1: Shield pushes enemies back when breaking, stamina regeneration in combat +0.5
Level 2: Shield pushes back and damages enemies when breaking, stamina regenarion in combat +1
Level 3: Shield pushes back and damages enemies when breaking, with a knockdown chance, stamina regeneration in combat +1.5

Alchemy Skills (green)

Alchemy skills represent the third group. They allow you to brew potions, make oils and bombs and regulate your toxicity. This talent tree consists of five abilities: Brewing, Oil Preparation, Bomb Creation, Mutation and Trial of The Grasses. Investing 8 points into the group opens up the second tier, 20 opens the third, while 28 unlocks the fourth.
Heightened Tolerance
Level 1: Potion overdose threshold +1%, potion duration time +5%.
Level 2: Potion overdose threshold +2%, potion duration time +10%.
Level 3: Potion overdose threshold +3%, potion duration time +15%.
Poisoned Blades
Oil Preparation
Level 1: Chance of poisoning the enemy with oiled blade +5%, potion duration time +5%.
Level 2: Chance of poisoning the enemy with oiled blade +10%, potion duration time +10%.
Level 3: Chance of poisoning the enemy with oiled blade +15%, potion duration time +15%.
Steady Aim
Bomb Creation
Level 1: Slows time by another 15% while aiming bombs, potion duration time +5%.
Acquired Tolerance
Level 1: Max Toxicity +1 for every lvl 1 alchemy formula you know, potion duration time +5%.
Trial of The Grasses
Level 1: If potion Toxicity is above 0, time slows when an enemy is about to counterattack, potion duration time +5%.
Level 2: Slow effect and duration greater than level 1, potion duration +10%.
Level 3: Slow effect and duration greater than level 2, potion duration +15%.

General Abilities

This category has no talent trees in it – instead, it contains ten wholly autonomous skills that give out bonuses not strictly tied to magic, brewing or fighting. Each of these abilities has only one level.
Sun And Stars During the day, Vitality regeneration +10 points per second outside of combat. At night, Stamina regeneration +1 point per second in combat.
Steady Shot Crossbow bolt damage +25%.
Survival Instinct Maximum Vitality +500.
Cat School Techniques Each piece of light armor gives +25% critical hit damage and +5% fast attack damage.
Metabolism ControlMaximum Toxicity +30.


Mutagens are special, precious items that can be used to boost Geralt’s skills. You’ll get some of them by killing rare species of monsters, like the noonwraith. There are four mutagen slots in the game – you start out with one, and unlock the others as you progress through the game. Every mutagen slot is connected to three ability slots – if their type matches, they enhance each other. They’re all colour-coded, too, which makes things a lot easier.
For example, if your mutagen is green, you should pair it with Alchemy abilities, which are also green. That way, the bonuses you get from them will be bigger and better. You can switch mutagens whenever you like, so there’s no danger of choosing the wrong ones.

Hidden Abilities

Witcher 3 Best Skills

The previous game had hidden skills that were unlocked in various secret ways – through dialogues, by finishing quests, performing certain actions at certain times, etc. There hasn’t been any confirmation these will be included in The Witcher 3, but we’ll investigate and let you know as soon as the game’s out.